Thursday, March 10, 2011


Sanguine lives in the townhouse on the corner of Maple and Bur. She has a soft jaw line, and soft green eyes. Sanguine goes up to total strangers, Reverence, Disappointment, Anger, Depression, Sorrow, and she hugs them, kisses them, tells them what lies a ahead. Speaking of which, Sanguine is a psychic, and she wears Bohemian scarves and dresses. She loves to speak, to look upwards, to pause, to think, to smile.
She likes hide, but when Sanguine comes out, she starts to boiling, rising in you like a red flame. Sanguine always keeps candles lit and sometimes she’ll look at them for hours on end, wondering what they are and where they come from, mesmerized. Sometimes she sees her clients, Chagrin and Abusive, thinking she can help them. Sanguine loves to laugh, and has three kids with Enthusiasm that keep her in line, Optimism, Arrogance, and Longing.
Sanguine is a new soul on this earth, always exploring and discovering. She wakes up in the morning and twists her hand around her wrist, marveling at the extremity. Sanguine’s soul mate is Grateful, and they share coffee while talking about their lives in simpler times, when crayons and blocks outweighed bills and responsibilities. Sanguine can’t be bothered with such things; she finds them silly. If she’s only going to bat once, why not make it a home run, she asks about life. Sanguine wakes up in the morning not aggravated in the slightest that Enthusiasm accidentally woke her up, and witnesses the peach painted sunrise. She gasps. She blows it a kiss, knowing it will be a good day. Then, the amber toned leaf falls from the maple tree, without direction or pursue, just content to be. 

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